State capacity building for AYAH

For over 20 years, SAHRC has served as a technical assistance and training resource for Title V/Maternal and Child Health (MCH) programs, state adolescent health coordinators (SAHCs) and other state level public health professionals focused on adolescent and young adult health. 

New SAHC orientation

If your state-level public health role relates to adolescent health, we are your people:

  • SAHRC works with AYAH-NRC partners to provide an annual new SAHC orientation and training. 
  • This New SAHC Orientation Guide can help you get started and serve as a reference between in-person orientations.
  • Our biennial survey of SAHCs and other key state level AYA focused professionals keeps us up-to-date on state-level contexts, challenges, funding sources, and priorities. We adapt TA and training offerings to meet SAHCs’ stated needs, summarized in State Adolescent Health in Focus, 2021.
State-specific technical assistance

SAHRC is here to help state adolescent health coordinators with initiatives like strategic planning and youth engagement: we offer expertise on a variety of topics. 


SAHRC also powers and provides infrastructure for the National Network of State Adolescent Health Coordinators (NNSAHC), a professional membership network led by state-level volunteers. Through meetings, listserv conversations, and steady connection to technical assistance and resources, NNSAHC gives designated state adolescent health professionals a place to convene, share information, set priorities, and build community.

Up-to-date resource library

SAHRC works with its national partners to create tools and resources that help state level public health professionals build their capacity to champion young people. We curate the best resources in the field, and connect SAHCs with each other and with other federal programs and initiatives focused on AYA health and positive youth development.

Theoretical frameworks and field-shaping tools

SAHRC and its partners develop (and continually update) the core resources used by the state adolescent health field:


SAHRC provides logistical support to NNSAHC for leadership team calls and activities, regional calls for state adolescent health coordinators (SAHCs), content development and management for, and administration for the NNSAHC listserv for SAHCs.